You Were Made For This.

Northern Kentucky Capernaum


Life to the full.

​ Introducing adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.​

Who We Are

at a Glance


Young Life Capernaum ministry begins in the USA

Young people want a place where they’re accepted, where they can have meaningful friendships, where they can experience fun, adventure and freedom. They also want to discover their purpose in the world. Young Life Capernaum leaders develop relationships with teenagers with disabilities where all are invited, celebrated and needed. Those who need assistance can and should participate fully in activities that build self-esteem and challenge their limits.


Capernaum ministries around the world with Young Life staff and leaders

Today, Young Life is a global organization with local focus. You'll find Young Life leaders from various backgrounds loving and sharing life with our friends with disabilities in 331 cities across the world.


young people with disabilities reached by YL leaders in NKY

Whether it's in their classrooms, homes, or Special Olympics competitions, our leaders are committed to sharing life with our friends with disabilities. Since local Capernaum work began in NKY in 2009, nearly 3,000 adolescents have been reached by our leader team.


NKY students experienced Gospel at a camp in 2019

In Young Life, we believe friendships and the shared adventure of camping experiences are essential and excellent tools in getting students to the foot of the cross. One-hundred forty-five of our NKY friends with disabilities experienced the Gospel at our Great Wolf Lodge, Overnight Summer Camp and Day Camp outreach camping events in 2019.

Where To Find Us

High School

Middle School

Teen Moms



You Were Made For This


Your story matters, and it can make a difference beyond what you imagine.

Volunteer your time to serve our Capernaum friends

Support the staff and leaders as part of the local adult committee.

Your generosity helps eliminate financial barriers for families in the disability community and sustains relational ministry locally in NKY.